Evaluating Nielsen's social analytics platform reveals pros and cons. The primary conclusion is Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings (NTTR) never lived up to its big promise. No causation or meaningful correlation was made that demonstrates a connection between people who view TV-related tweets and actual TV viewership. The efficacy of social media in other areas suggests it most probably does help increase TV viewership, but NTTR's failure to quantify the lift is a sobering reminder of the deficiencies of the service. NTTR is now more than 2 years old. As we begin a new year in 2016, those of us interested in measuring the impact of social media conversations may want to reconsider the usefulness of this data set. This is especially true for TV networks, agencies, and advertisers that pay for the service but get relatively little ROI from the respective investments. The data is unsuccessful in answering the important question: "Does social media increase TV viewership?" As a tool that merely reckons online users only, NTTR falls short there too, as it has yet to be accredited by the Media Rating Council (MRC).